Frequently asked questions

Yourservicedream is for people who wish the extraordinary. A specific need or want, a secret or a big dream you’ve always had!

I offer three kind of services:

  1. Specific services depending on our wants and needs. As I don’t know beforehand what your desire is, obviously this could be everything!
  2. Travel companion to your desired destinations.
  3. Courier services worldwide

We are a small business focus on rather quality than quantity. Thus personal communication is the way we go with our service.

It’s not very professional to talk about the price beforehand especially for tailored services. In its nature it depends on  how much time and effort we need to invest to satisfy your needs and wants. Generally I offer a very high commitment service, so that you can assume I will charge accordingly. Not only because of that I will charge you premium even though it would be normal, but mainly to make you take this step in your life! The cost just gives you another kick it your ass! That it hurts you so much that we will definitley go to the very end of your mission. On top of that other factors can lead to unpredictable outcomes or even endanger to accomplish your need and want as a whole. This requires from my site to take unconventional actions to make sure everything goes smoothly. Anyway YOURSERVICEDREAM will do everything necessary to fulfill your desires.

First contact me and let’s talk without any compromise about your needs and wants.

Just contact from the medium you prefer. Send me an e-mail or use the well-known messenger services. 

I will respond as soon as possible and we will definitely respond to any request!

Not all people have the privilege to travel to other countries without any problems. YSD want to help people who don’t have permission to travel to other countries and get them what they ever wanted.

We offer a BRAND NEW very specific service so we need to work hard to position ourself as trustworhty and reliable. This is also in line with our core values. Moreover yourservicedream is actually a real company with real office and mailing.

I will fly-in to your country and meet you at your desired place as fast as possible, where we can talk personally. There are not much limits for me and my team. So don’t worry about that at all! CONTACT ME